RiverOak Strategic Partners
Can you support AGE UK Thanet’s VE Day 75 plans?
Published on May 4th, 2020
The work of Age UK Thanet, which RSP is proud to support, continues apace. They are now able to do welfare checks on people who can not hear their volunteer team, over the telephone, to ensure they have everything they need. They are taking our chocolate and loo rolls to try and put a smile on people’s faces whilst they struggle being isolated or home alone. And they’ve come up with a plan to mark the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, this coming Friday in a very special way.
Chief Officer Vanessa Wood said: “Age UK Thanet is continuing to support our elderly, frail and vulnerable members of the community with the generosity of RSP’s £100,000 donation. We have managed to access so many people who required further assistance from statutory services and sign post to safe-havens to keep people ‘talking’ through this crisis. We have also a welfare fund to be able to reach the elderly, frail and vulnerable at this time with a free hot meal delivery for up to two weeks whilst other stakeholders establish a long term plan for an individual to keep safe and well.
“We are now looking to the people of Thanet to help us with a very special project. As people will not be able to gather together and remember our Veterans and mark the 74th Anniversary of VE Day on Friday, one of our volunteers has come up with a plan. She wished to buy a meal for a veteran that she is telephone befriending at this present time.
“It gave us the inspiration to seek 75 Veterans, or loved ones who are isolated and alone to deliver them a meal that has been donated to them with a special message.
“Delivered by Age UK Staff, volunteers and the amazing Margate Fire Brigade who are coming out in force to help us as they have done for the past five weeks. Please do spread the word and if you know a veteran who would like a meal delivered to them then please do let us know.”
You can contact Age UK Thanet by clicking here.
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