RiverOak Strategic Partners
Correction – Overview Report
Published on June 17th, 2017
An omission was found on page 3 of the Overview Report, where it states: “Thank you for coming to our exhibition. We, RiverOak Strategic Partners (‘RiverOak’), are proposing to reopen Manston Airport as a vibrant air freight hub with associated business aviation and passenger services, creating almost 30,000 jobs within East Kent by the airport’s 20th year of operation.”
The end of this sentence should read: “creating almost 30,000 jobs within East Kent and the wider economy by the airport’s 20th year of operation.”
Please note, the correct phraseology was used on pages 8 and 42 of the report.
The omission has now been corrected on the downloadable version of the document and on the corresponding exhibition panel.
RiverOak Strategic Partners Limited
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30 Orange Street
London WC2H 7HF
Registered in England and Wales.
Company Number: 10269461
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RiverOak Strategic Partners