RiverOak Strategic Partners
Examination of our proposals for Manston gets underway this week
Published on January 7th, 2019
2019 will be an important year for the future of Manston Airport. This week, on Wednesday 9 January, the Preliminary Meeting for the Development Consent Order application takes place in Margate. The examination of our proposals, by the Planning Inspectorate, will begin the next day – a process lasting six months.
We continue to plan for the reopening of the airport. Following the acquisition of the Jentex site on Canterbury Road West in Ramsgate, which is designated as the location of the airport fuel facility, we are meeting with a wide range of other potential partners and stakeholders across Thanet and East Kent. Our aim is to answer questions people and organisations have about our proposals and explore opportunities to develop partnerships that will bring additional benefits to local people from our commitment to reopening the airport.
You can keep updated with the latest news about the Examination Stage by clicking here to visit the Manston Airport page of the Planning Inspectorate website.
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