RiverOak Strategic Partners





RiverOak Strategic Partners

George Yerrall confirms RiverOak ownership of Manston Airport DCO project and consistency of team

Published on March 14th, 2017

In response to a question during the Lothian Shelf planning appeal, George Yerrall, a director of RiverOak Strategic Partners Limited (RiverOak), confirmed that RiverOak, a UK registered company, purchased all rights and interests in the Manston project from RiverOak Investment Corp in December 2016.  RiverOak has retained the same professional team including lawyers and all other consultancies, to ensure that the project can continue working towards statutory consultation in May 2017.

RiverOak Strategic Partners Limited
Registered Office
30 Orange Street
London WC2H 7HF
Registered in England and Wales.
Company Number: 10269461


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RiverOak Strategic Partners