RiverOak Strategic Partners





RiverOak Strategic Partners

Manston Airport passes Stage 1 of CAA Airspace Change CAP1616 process

Published on 28 February, 2020

RSP is pleased to confirm that Manston Airport has passed Stage 1 of the Civil Aviation Authority’s Airspace Change CAP1616 process. This follows an extensive engagement process, with technical/aviation organisations and local government that begun in Autumn of last year.

The Airspace Design Principles that were developed through the process will be used to provide the framework for the development of Airspace Design Options later year. RSP will then hold full public consultation events and consult widely with local residents, businesses, communities, the public and other stakeholders to seek their views and feedback.

We’d like to thank everyone who has contributed feedback to date, and those who will do so going forward.

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