RiverOak Strategic Partners
Representation period commences for Manston DCO examination stage
Published on September 3rd, 2018
The Planning Inspectorate has confirmed that the representation period begins today (Monday 3 September) and runs to Monday 8 October. Anyone with an interest in making representations about the application should visit the Planning Inspectorate website, to register as an interested Party. You can go directly to the Planning Inspectorate website by clicking here.
Becoming an Interested Party gives you the right to make representations about the application that is being examined. Interested parties are informed of the progress of the Examination and are notified of the final Decision by the Secretary of State.
Interested Parties also have the opportunity to attend and speak at the Preliminary Meeting or hearings that take place during the Examination. Once the Examination has started, interested parties will have the opportunity to provide further written evidence to the appointed inspector(s), known as the Examining Authority.
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