RiverOak Strategic Partners
RiverOak begins informal consultation on Manston Airport proposals
Published on July 12th, 2016
RiverOak investments today (12 July) begins a series of informal consultation events to enable the local community in Thanet and East Kent to find out more about the proposals for Manston Airport and the Development Consent Order process.
Today the event is being held at Broadstairs Pavilion from 14.00-20.00. The full list of consultation events is as follows:
12 July: Broadstairs: Broadstairs Pavilion, Harbour Street, CT10 1EU
13 July: Margate: The Sands Hotel, 16 Marine Drive, CT9 1DH
18 July: Herne Bay: The King’s Hall, Beacon Hill, CT6 6BA
21 July: Canterbury: Canterbury Cathedral Lodge, The Precincts, CT1 2EH
22 July: Sandwich: The Guildhall, Sandwich CT13 9AP
23 July: Ramsgate: Comfort Inn, Victoria Parade, CT11 8DT
All events will be held from 14.00-20.00 with the exception of Ramsgate which will run from 10.00-16.00.
These events are informal drop-in sessions to allow members of the local community to call in at a convenient time. There will be no formal presentations but members of the team will be available to answer questions and copies of a pre-consultation information document about the proposals will also be available to take away.
Tony Freudmann of RiverOak said: “Today we set out our blueprint for Manston’s future success as an airport These events are not only a chance for the community to find out more about our proposals, they are also an opportunity for us to hear what’s important to the communities in Thanet and East Kent.
“We encourage everyone with an interest in the future of Manston Airport to send in their comments, thoughts and ideas. However, if you are not able to make one of the consultation events all of the information being presented is also available on our website, www.riveroakinvestments.co.uk, download a copy of the pre-consultation document and even respond through the site too.”
The intended timetable for the DCO has slipped, mainly because the current owners of the airport site have so far not allowed access to the RiverOak team.
Access is required in order to carry out the full and comprehensive environmental study the scoping of which appears in the document which was published on the PINS website at the end of June. RiverOak Investments has now made an application to the Planning Inspectorate under Section 53 of the 2008 Planning Act which, if successful, will require the current owners to grant the necessary access.
The environmental study will be published in full and will cover all environmental issues including noise, air quality, traffic movements, drainage and wildlife.
The formal consultation stage will follow completion of the environmental study later this year.
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RiverOak Strategic Partners