RiverOak Strategic Partners
RSP donates £100,000 help AGE UK set up a community hub in Thanet
Published on March 27th, 2020
RSP donates £100,000 help AGE UK set up a community hub in Thanet
RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) has made a £100,000 donation to AGE UK in Thanet, to help them to set up and staff a community hub. The hub will help Age UK to ensure isolated, elderly and other Thanet residents who are struggling as a result of Coronavirus, are given vital support.
With the help of Sir Roger Gale MP, the directors of RSP identified Age UK Thanet as the ideal recipient of the donation which has been made by the firm’s investors. Head of Age UK Thanet Vanessa Wood has said the funds will help them to distribute food supplies and hot meals, support older people working on zero hours contracts who are suddenly without income, and create an army of volunteers to check in on and chat to isolated residents.
Said Vanessa: “On behalf of Age UK Thanet, I would like to express our deep appreciation of the support and decision RSP’s investors have made, to donate £100,000 to Age UK Thanet, so we can continue our work with Coronavirus and support our very vulnerable, elderly and frail clients in the community.”
Tony Freudmann, director of RSP, said: “Our investors came to us and said they wanted to help people in Thanet. We asked Sir Roger for guidance on how we could get the money to where it is needed as quickly as possible and I am delighted that Vanessa and her team will be able to help so many residents whose lives have been affected by the coronavirus. Our investors asked me to tell Vanessa how much they admire her work and that of her volunteers and that they are delighted to be able to help at this time of national crisis.”
Sir Roger Gale added: “I am delighted that RSP are helping to support Age UK’s work to assist people in Thanet that are in desperate need, at this difficult time.”
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