Latest PINS meeting minutes now online
Please click here to view the minutes of the meeting between the Planning Inspectorate and RiverOak held on 19 July 2016.
RiverOak responds to inaccuracies in Stonehill Park comments on Kent Online
RiverOak Investments has highlighted inaccuracies in comments by Stone Hill Park spokesman Ray Mallon in the Kent Online business story “Manston: Stone Hill Park hits out at ‘vague’ RiverOak plans.
220816-dover-district-council-letter...Dover District Council supports ‘campaign to retain Manston as an operational airport’
The Leader of Dover District Council, Councillor Paul Watkins, has submitted a response to the informal consultation on behalf of the council, confirming its support for RiverOak’s plans to pursue a Development Consent Order and outlining the reasons for its support of the retention of Manston as an operational airport.