Three days to go in RiverOak Manston Consultation – residents urged to submit their feedback
There are only three days to go in the statutory consultation on our plans to reopen Manston Airport. RiverOak Strategic Partners urges anyone who has not yet responded, and has views they would like to send us about our proposals, to submit a consultation feedback form – either online, by email or by post –so that we can report, to the Planning Inspectorate…
Stone Hill Park’s plans for Manston Airport thrown out
Stone Hill Park’s appeals to change the use of four buildings at Manston Airport to non-aviation use have been dismissed by the independent Planning Inspectorate (13 July 2017).
During the inquiry, as part of the appeal to change the use of the buildings, Stone Hill Park as the landowners for the site conceded that their proposals would generate only “modest” economic benefits.
Consultation with Thanet District Council regarding Manston Airport proposals
On or around 7 July 2017, Thanet District Council (TDC) issued this statement about the statutory consultation on RiverOak Strategic Partners’ (RSP’s) proposals to reopen Manston Airport. The statement contains a number of inaccuracies and misunderstandings that we are happy to set straight.
Almost two thousand people attend RiverOak Manston consultation events
With a week to go in the RiverOak Strategic Partners consultation on its plans for Manston Airport, we can announce that more than 1,900 local residents attended the eleven events held to date during the consultation.
More than 1,300 members of the East Kent…