RiverOak Strategic Partners





RiverOak Strategic Partners

RSP brands Manston Assessor’s report “amateur and poorly constructed”

Having read the Assessor’s report – which didn’t take long – it is clear that it is an amateur and poorly constructed report. Setting aside the numerous grammatical errors and typos – not to mention the reference at para 1.3  to a section on the sixth Carbon Budget that the author has then apparently forgotten to even write – the content of this report does not address the broader strategic need case set out in the Secretary of State’s original decision letter and is little more than a by-the-numbers review of the Examining Authority’s previous report, and series of opaque assertions using pre-2019 data, with little or no detailed analysis or reasoning behind any of the conclusions drawn.

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Statement regarding BBC Politics South East – 20 June 2021

During an interview with BBC Politics South East, on Sunday 20 June, Cllr Karen Constantine, Kent County Councillor for Ramsgate, made a number of factually incorrect statements - which we have corrected below. Stansted  Cllr Constantine incorrectly stated that...

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Statement of Matters published by Department for Transport

As part of the process to re-determine RiverOak Strategic Partners’ Development Consent Order application to reopen Manston Airport, the Department for Transport has today (Friday 11 June) published a Statement of Matters, outlining the topics on which they would like further information on from RSP as the applicant, together with any other interested parties, as they are required to do by law.

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Update on the CAA Airspace Change Project

From the outset, RSP has stated that the CAP 1616 process used by the CAA to manage proposed changes to airspace is robust and challenging; this provides both aviation and non-aviation stakeholders with assurance that our proposals will be carefully scrutinised by an...

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Remembering Lorraine Barker

       RiverOak Strategic PartnersPublished on 24th December, 2020 It is with the greatest of sadness that we pass on the news that Lorraine Barker, of Premier Display Systems in Hersden, Canterbury has passed away this morning. Lorraine was a dedicated supporter of...

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DfT decision not to contest the Judicial Review – what does it mean?

Naturally the Department for Transport’s decision not to contest the Judicial Review is disappointing, although it may in fact save time. It is a feature of the DCO process that, in order for more information to be provided by the Secretary of State on the reasons for his decision, the decision must be re-taken, and so the project is effectively back to the final decision stage.

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Flights in and out of Manston

Even when operating at its future peak (circa twenty years after reopening), Manston Airport will average no more than five large aircraft movements per hour – and will not operate any scheduled services overnight.

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RSP responds to further delay to Manston decision

While this further delay is perhaps understandable – and is only a matter of weeks – it is nevertheless disappointing, as this pandemic has starkly demonstrated the urgent need to address the fragility and inflexibility of the UK’s air cargo network.

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RiverOak Strategic Partners Limited
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Company Number: 10269461


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RiverOak Strategic Partners