3 Apr, 2018
Following a request from Canterbury City Council, RiverOak Strategic Partners has set out the full extent of the publicity outreach campaign in Herne Bay surrounding the January 2018 public consultation exercise. onsultation postcards were delivered by hand to over 50,000 properties, including all those in Herne Bay, Ramsgate and surrounding areas, between 6 and 13 January 2018…
19 Feb, 2018
As aircraft noise is the most perceptible effect from an airport, this issue has naturally caused the most concern for local residents. This is the case particularly for the noise generated by night flights. This statement sets out the current position and how it will be finalised.
We are designing Manston so that our customers are both able and incentivised to fly during the day. The airport is being designed so that capacity comfortably exceeds demand in order, principally, to provide a high quality of service to customers by reducing…
12 Feb, 2018
We have been advised that Deal Library will now close this week and will reopen on 20 February. For any Deal residents still wishing to view consultation documents, including the full Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR), or collect a feedback form ahead of the consultation deadline this Friday, 16 February, there are several options open to you:
1. View/download the documents and submit your feedback via our website www.rsp.co.uk/statutory-consultation;
2. Visit either Ramsgate, Margate or Herne Bay Libraries…
26 Jan, 2018
Despite some appalling January weather, 870 people attended the two RiverOak consultation events this week, in Ramsgate and Herne Bay, to review its refined plans for Manston Airport and speak with some of the firm’s environmental and planning experts, as well as the RiverOak team, about a wide range of issues – including a proposed Noise Mitigation plan, fully developed Preliminary Environmental Information Report and amended masterplan for the airport.
22 Jan, 2018
Two consultation events by RiverOak Strategic Partners (RiverOak) take place this week, on the opportunity to revive Manston Airport as an air freight hub, with the airport site no longer under threat of rezoning – following last week’s council vote.
Although not underestimating the huge task ahead of the council to reshape and regain support for its Local Plan, RiverOak has welcomed the decision not to re-designate the airport for mixed use, including housing – believing that it is not…
16 Jan, 2018
Planning company RPS and law firm Bircham Dyson Bell have written on behalf of their client RiverOak Strategic Partners (RiverOak) to the Chief Executive of Thanet District Council, Madeline Homer, to set out why a decision to progress the Council’s Local Plan at a full Council meeting on Thursday 18 January would be flawed.
The decision before the Council is whether to submit the Local Plan for examination, and yet much of the evidence on which it should be based is missing or out of date. The Council claims that the airport site is needed for housing, yet has not explained why it rejected so many proposed…