RiverOak prepares for next stage of Manston Airport DCO consultation
RiverOak Strategic Partners Limited (RSP) is preparing for the next stage of consultation on proposals to reopen Manston Airport.
RiverOak Strategic Partners Limited (RSP) is preparing for the next stage of consultation on proposals to reopen Manston Airport.
In December, the Planning Inspectorate confirmed that Section 53 authorisation (permission to access the Manston Airport site) was granted. On Tuesday 7 February the environmental team working on the Manston Airport DCO visited the site to assess it for the production of the Environmental Statement that will accompany the DCO application. RiverOak would like to thank the airfield security team for their assistance during the visit.
On Monday 19 December the Planning Inspectorate confirmed to Bircham Dyson Bell, lawyers for RiverOak, that Section 53 authorisation (permission to access the Manston Airport site), has now been granted.
A pre-action letter from RiverOak lawyers Bircham Dyson Bell challenging Thanet Council’s recommendation to withhold its report and planned discussion in relation to “Change of Use appeals – Manston Airport” from the press and general public has been rebutted by the council.
RiverOak has made numerous attempts to contact Thanet Council officers on at least four separate topics relating to RiverOak’s plans for Manston Airport and proposed DCO application. All of which have, to date, gone unanswered.
On Friday 28 October, planning consultants RPS issued a letter, on behalf of RiverOak, to Kent County Council highlighting a number of points in relation to KCC’s consultation on their draft Local Transport Plan, particularly on the issue of maximising the use of existing regional airport capacity.